Fitness Calculators

The Arms Assault

It is summertime, which suggests you may expose your arms virtually anyplace, anytime. “In case your arms are chiseled, folks will assume the remainder of you is ripped, too,” says Todd Durkin, C.S.C.S., writer of The IMPACT! Physique Plan. Earlier than you head out this weekend, pump up your biceps and triceps with this 100-rep arm-expanding health check. Are you up for the problem? You don’t have anything to lose however the room in your sleeves.


DO THIS: Carry out 50 reps of every train as rapidly as you may. You do not have to do all 50 reps of the biceps curl or the triceps kickback in a row—you would possibly do 10 biceps curls, transfer on to the triceps kickbacks, do one other 10 biceps curls, and so forth. Use a pair of 25-pound dumbbells for the curls and a pair of 15-pound dumbbells for the kickbacks.

Able to strive it? Watch the video above to see easy methods to carry out the problem. Durkin accomplished 100 reps in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. What was your time? Tell us within the feedback under.

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